Monthly Assessment: February 2012

Happy Leap Day! It feels good to have one extra day in the year, especially with a full workload. What are you doing for Leap Day?

I’m currently pumped up with antibiotics and eager to get back to feeling 100 percent. Lingering infections are just a pain in the neck (and back and arms and skin…), and I couldn’t work my best. What should have taken me just a few short hours has dragged out for days because I just didn’t feel like doing anything.

But I still managed. My queries hit their marks, my clients called me instead of the other way round, and errant projects cropped up that are turning into ongoing projects. Here’s what happened for me this month. Please, feel free to play along with your own assessment. That’s the whole point!

Believe it or not, a query I’d sent three months ago netted two assignments this month. Strange, but true! It’s an editor I’ve been working with quite often, and I really enjoy the subjects. Another query sent a month ago came back with a counter-query, and that turned into a check that showed up yesterday. Editors are finding out I’m flexible and I enjoy the topics enough to talk shop with them. Must remember to do that with newer editors.

I decided to replace my “Job listings” subhead with this. I never look at lists anymore.

With the trade show coming up in six weeks, I sent out 27 letters of introduction and got one immediate response. I’ve been so busy I haven’t had a chance to send out more. Not that I’m complaining!

Existing clients
This is where I cleaned house. Five clients came to me (including the magazine editors), which netted all my earnings this month. I was able to get an invoice out to a client on a months-long stalled project, so that’s finally billed. Another client sent a large project, then several smaller ones. She was happy with the results and promised as much future work as she could muster.

New clients
I’m working with one new client via another client (I’m a subcontractor), and I’m in talks with yet another client on some ongoing project work. I’m hoping to get some pre-trade-show work done to bolster the income. My car’s engine light is on and inspection is due. Naturally. At tax time.

It’s not really a referral, but I helped out a friend last week. Due to ongoing matters he’s dealing with, I may be picking up more of his assignments. A lousy way to receive work, but I look at it as a way to help a chum. And I’ve no intention of not paying him some referral fee.

Oh my. I had no idea until I looked just now – I surpassed the target earnings. That’s the second time in three months. I’m glad for it. Like I said, the engine light is on in the car, and I know my temperature sensor is bad. Time to give “Saabie” some loving care.

Bottom line
From this chair, the recession has been over since December when I’m normally dormant. Clients are seemingly flush with money, or perhaps they’re just tired of not finishing ages-old projects. Either way, call me. I’ve been able to not only justify my raise, but maintain it without any trouble. The marketing will continue, as will the tapping into current clients for additional projects.

What was your month like?

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14 Thoughts to “Monthly Assessment: February 2012”

  1. February sucked on a personal exhaustion/frustration level, but I should get a couple of big checks in the next few weeks that will salve some of that. I need to replace a non-working business model with one that works better for me and then ease out of the first one.

    I'm putting together some proposals and researching a few places do do LOIs in order to help with that.

    I'd like to sleep for about a week, but no such luck. I can either manifest the change I want, or things will flow in the easiest way open to them. I'd rather it was the former.

  2. Big checks always soothe sore mentalities, Devon. 🙂

    Go for it. You of all people are able to affect positive change.

  3. I'm using Leap Day to try to get ahead on a 2,500 word article due this week.

    Despite being a short month, I think I accomplished quite a bit in February:

    Queries/LOI – I sent two LOIs and two queries to new-to-me markets, and sent three batches of ideas to Favorite Editor. Yesterday she assigned four of my ideas.

    Existing Clients – Turned in one article to Favorite Editor. Wrote three columns. Had the aforementioned 2,500-word article assigned by one editor, and a 2,000-word piece assigned by a different editor. I also reached out to numerous clients to let them know I'm keeping my eyes open for ideas they might like.

    New Clients – Me! I launched my own blog a couple weeks ago. I missed writing for the knitting blog, so once I got comfortable with my new computer, I knew it was time for the blog.

    Earnings – Better than January, but just shy of my modest monthly goal.

    Bottom Line – Keep marketing. (Boy, read this blog long enough and you start sounding like Lori! That's a good thing!)

  4. Yes, sounding like Lori is a good thing. I'm not marketing enough, but linkedin has produced a couple nibbles. Paula, give us a link to your new blog. I want to check it out. I'm featured on Kristin Offiler's blog today. (shameless plug) You can check it out here:

    BTW Lori you are on a roll. Way to go!

  5. Since you asked, Wade… it's (I think clicking my name might take you there.)

    If any WordPress users can explain how to get the blogs I've listed to, um, actually show up on a blog roll, that'd be great. (Added the Blog Roll widget last week, but none of the ones I listed showed up so I removed it until I figure it out.)

    Now I'll go check your post on Kristin's blog!

  6. Way to go, Wade! Congrats on being on the blog!

    Paula, if you're doing all the work without feeling stressed, then you're not doing it like me. LOL

    Sounds great!

  7. Paula, nicely done. I added it to my favorites. I'm moving to wordpress soon and would love to pick your brain. I like your design.

  8. Thanks guys. My design is just one of the basic themes available at WordPress. Zero effort on my part (other than dealing with pesky widgets that won't show up the way I want them to).

  9. Lori-you go, Girl! You're on fire. Just remember to take care of yourself! Okay, Mama Cathy will stop.

    My year isn't starting as well as I planned. I had my best year last year so I upped the ante for goals. I'm not concerned. I have a lot in the hopper, but not where I want to be yet.

    I missed my income target for the 2nd month, but increased it from January. I'm also 10% higher in income compared to the end of February last year.

    I'm running behind on some of my special marketing projects. I'm going to try to really kick it in gear for March. I need those to move forward on upgrading my business site.

    I did get a few unexpected projects this month that haven't been invoiced yet so that's good news.

    I don't know how you youngins' keep up the energy. 🙂

  10. Cathy, I shall heed your advice. 🙂

    I'm glad you're not worried; you shouldn't be. I know you well, and I know you've got a good handle on it. Sounds like you have the work there in the pipeline!

  11. Love the looks of your blog, Paula. I love being crafty, so I will definitely have to read it more carefully very soon.

    For February, I had an editor that I've worked with before come back with an assignment. Quick turn around, and she was pleased I got it done by the deadline. Apparently that's rare for her. Shame, but I'm glad it makes me look good. There would have to be serious extenuating circumstances for me to miss a deadline (knock on wood!)

    I also had a new client looking for some web content. That turned into a smaller project (editing only) so that he could afford me. I do like being able to work with clients on cost, so I'm glad this worked out. It's a good relationship so far.

    And I finished up another editing project for a favorite editor of mine, but I might have to ask for a raise pretty soon on that. It's a shame, because I don't think they have the budget (or at least, they aren't willing to budget for it).

  12. Thanks, Ashley. Do I sense a crafty guest post coming from you one day?

  13. Oh I would love to do a guest post, Paula! Let's be in touch about that 😉

  14. Life after a bad client, right Ashley? That usually happens right after a client insults or questions your capabilities, and it makes the compliment all the more welcome.

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